Liechtenstein as a location for foundations

A hundred years of practical experience with the foundation sets Liechtenstein apart as a location for setting up a foundation. With a Liechtenstein foundation, you can secure, arrange and preserve both your family and business assets in the long term, protecting them from unauthorised access and preserving them over several generations. 

Advantages of a Liechtenstein foundation?

In contrast to an estate, a foundation can effectively ensure that the assets are continued in accordance with a purpose, used in the long term, and preserved for future generations. Liechtenstein foundation law allows the founder a great deal of freedom within the applicable laws. Liechtenstein's membership in the European Economic Area (EEA) means that Liechtenstein legal forms and thus also the Liechtenstein foundation are generally recognised in the EU area. Liechtenstein tax law is also designed to be compatible with European law.

How does a Liechtenstein foundation work?

The assets you dedicate to the foundation are managed and used in accordance with the purpose you have defined. Liechtenstein as a location offers different types of foundations for different purposes (such as family, other private purposes, charitable and also mixed purposes). The mixed foundation enables you as a founder to enjoy private and charitable purposes at the same time. It is a special feature of Liechtenstein foundation law in terms of its structuring possibilities.

How to set up a foundation?

The legal establishment of a Liechtenstein foundation is usually carried out by a Liechtenstein trustee. You, as the beneficial founder of a Liechtenstein foundation, express your wishes when establishing the foundation. You define the purpose that the foundation is to pursue in the long term, and set out the beneficiaries and governance that are to be relevant for your foundation.

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